Kent Fire Training

Kent Fire Training

Who are we?

Kent Fire Training are a team of fire trainers who can help you fulfil your obligations as an employer to meet your responsibilities under ‘The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005’ (RRO).  We deliver fire safety training with a personal touch. With a combined 60 years sector experience, we can help keep you and your business safe and help you mitigate the impact should you have a fire.

What can we do?

We provide the necessary training for your staff to understand how they can contribute to a safer workplace and ensure they know what to do to keep themselves and others safe in the event of an emergency.

All training course content is aligned to Home Office guidelines and because we hold the training events at your workplace, we are able to relate the input to your working environment. Our aim is to work with you to meets your specific needs within your industry with the focus on your premises.

We are able to undertake structured evacuation drills to test your workplace procedures and staff understanding of their duties.